Thursday, September 17, 2009

A hot new trend: Flavored Salvia Extracts

We have noticed an increasing trend among Salvia Extracts manufacturers to flavor their extracts. While some are attempting to use regular food flavorings - a crude attempt with little chance for success - others are adopting more sophisticated approaches, with scents uniquely tailored to survive combustion (burning of the extract). The customers demand more product choices and features, as the industry grows, and as such, flavored Salvia are here to stay. This is why, as the original flavored Salvia Divinorum manufacturers, that created the concept of adding flavor to extracts to market, we thought we would spend a little time discussing the facts and myths of flavored Salvia Extracts.

Myth: I can flavor my own Salvia at home with grocery store flavoring.
Fact: Please do, and prepare to fail. Grocery store flavoring is designed for cooking - in pies, cookies and other food of this kind. It is often alcohol-water based, which may end up stripping your finely prepared, expensive extract of salvinorins and leave an inferior product behind. Beyond that, however, you simply will not get it to work. The second you heat the flavoring, it will evaporate (after you burn the extrct), this means that you won't be able to smell or taste anything, or even worse. In addition, some of the grocery flavorings can be used for food - they are edible - when they're burned, heat could change their chemical components and be harmful to consume them.

Myth: Flavored Salvia Divinorum tastes exactly as good as a fruit.
Fact: Unluckily not. Our flavors impart an exotic combination of smell and taste that imitates some types of flavors - in our case, apple, strawberry and spearmint - though you should not be expecting a flavor explosion in your mouth. The flavor will cover the smoke feeling you'll have at your throat with normal Salvia Extract. Generally, the smoke will be smoother, with a little bit of fruit flavor. Right now we're into our flavoring of second generation. Perhaps with future generations it's gonna be possible to give you a real "just like fruit" experience.

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